Pt.1 1st 24 hours-do we want to go home?

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Posted by Cath on Saturday, 2. December 2006 at 00:55 Bali Time:

Let me first explain that my wife and I were first time visitors to Bali, having travelled extensively in Thailand in the past 5 years. We love Thailand so we were not only looking forward to visiting Bali, it was also a great opportunity to compare with our Thai visits. Sorry if the JBR is a bit long winded but having gleaned so much information from this site in the past 9 months I felt it only fair to give back as much as possible.

We left home on the 29th October at 7am for a short trip to Manchester airport to catch a Singapore airlines flight, scheduled for 13 hours direct to Singapore. The flight (albeit a bit bumpy) was excellent and we had no complaints at all with the airline. The food was very good (for airline food) the service excellent and the 'on demand' in-flight entertainment first class. In the past few years we have travelled with Thai, Emirates, BA, and Qatar and without doubt this, and our previous flight with Singapore, come out tops.

We arrived in Changi at around 7am the following day (plus 8 hours) and because we had around a 2 hour plus wait for our connection to Bali, we had pre booked a 'lounge'. From memory I think it was the 'Premier Lounge' and cost around £10 per person. Very nice lounge with first class shower facilities (lovely clean fluffy towels), so it was nice to take a shower and change into a clean shirt (or blouse) after such a long flight. Free snacks and soft drinks but no alcohol. Changi airport had changed since our last visit, but it must still be the best airport in the world for facilities

Singapore airline flight to Bali was about 40 minutes late leaving Changi. Sorry cannot comment much on the flight, we did not eat or drink and spent just about the whole of the flight asleep.

Arrived in Denpassar some two and half hours later and breezed through voa, immigration and customs. Although we had a cross on on one case the customs just checked out hand luggage and were very pleasant. Thanks to all who explained what we should expect.

We had booked the first 5 nights at the PUTU VILLA & SPA in Seminyak which had received at least two very good reports on this site. They were supposed to pick us at the airport but despite walking up and down the rows of drivers we could not find them. The information desk just outside the airport were excellent. They put out two calls over the loudspeaker and when no one responded they the telephoned the hotel to ask where they were. The hotel responded that the driver should be there but we should get a taxi and they would pay. We got a taxi from the official desk with a set price of 60,000 rupiahs. This all sounds so simple now but I am sure you more experienced people can Imagen all the offers of transport and assistance we were being offered!!! you really do not need this after a 22 hour trip to a first time location.

We arrived at the Putu and I could see from my wife's face she was not happy. Driving in from the top end of Kerobakan is pretty deserted with nothing around. When we were shown to our room the situation did not get any better. There is definately a lot of poetic licence in the photos and description of the Putu on the internet.

We were shown to our 'bungalow' (one of 24) we subsequently found out that on 2 of the nights we were there we were the only occupants. It is difficult to describe the room. A narrow path with rooms either side with a small patio surrounded by jungle and small fish pond. Immediate reaction being that you could not sit on their at night without being bitten to death. On entering the room it was very dark with the natural light from the front window being obliterated by the foliage and 3 foot beyond the rear window was a 15 foot plus wall with glass on top. So the only light was from a low watt bulb about 12 foot up in the bale. A door led through to the kitchen area which was semi open and the outside toilet and shower. We subsequently discovered that the bathroom area sink, which was massive had only cold water. We also later discovered that whilst the outside shower was novel and great, the outside loo was a bit of a bummer in the night because if you had to sit down you needed to keep your feet up because the floor was covered in ants, and any lengthy stay involved a battle with the mossies.

Talking of mossies the room had more than its fair share when we arrived and I had 4 bites within the first half hour or so. Also Cath was outside having a fag when something with a long tail ran across the patio. That was it she had seen enough and wanted out.

We decided that we were both tired, we should go out and buy some spray and mossie coils (we had a couple of electric anti mossie machines) and at least spend the first night there before reviewing the situation. So we sprayed the room, set up the 2 electric machines in the bedroom and kitchen and set up coils on the patio. We also drew the curtains which did not make it any darker but helped keep the mossies at bay because of the badly fitting window frames.

In the evening we set off walking South (which I guessed was towards eat street). We passed all these wonderful looking and recommended restaurants Hue, Living Room, Paul's Place, Sate Bali etc. and they were all empty. But at least the area was looking better to the South of the hotel and nice bright lights. We also checked prices and availability at a couple of hotels. After a good walk we did arrive at the start of Eat Street which was only marginally busier, with the exception of the Mykonos which had only 2/3 tables vacant. So okay a 24 hour journey to the Far East and we decided on a Greek restaurant.

Okay so I read a report on this forum which described the Mykonos as the best Greek restaurant outside of Greece. Rubbish. It was the best Greek meal we have ever had and we have been to Corfu, Crete and Rhodes. Fantastic and even better when I got the bill. I though it was great value at around £24 but then worked it out again and it was only just over £12. Hey Bali is looking up.

Got taxi back to the hotel (buttons) and the coils were working so we were able to sit outside and break open the duty free. The room was also mossie free. Hey Bali maybe Bali is not so bad after all!!

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