Material Shoppers Advice Please!!!

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Posted by shareebee on Friday, 21. July 2006 at 14:09 Bali Time:

My daughter wants her formal dress made in Bali using Delusted Satin.
Can you buy Delusted Satin at Alta Moda or any another material shop?
If yes - Do they have a range of colours?
She is after a hot pink.
Also do you know roughly how much it is per metre if they have it?
Here in Australia at spotlight it is $19.95 per metre.
Would it be safer to buy the material here and take it over to have a Tailor make the dress or just get it over there.
If I cant get Delusted Satin over there, is there a material simular to Delusted Satin to use in its place.
Im not into sewing and materials.
Thankyou or any advise.

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