In Reply to: A Vast Open Toilet Ground posted by KLN on Friday, 14. July 2006 at 01:25 Bali Time:
Yes, a number of hotels specialise in midnight buffet dinners. Probably utilise the leftovers from during the day :-) Mumbai is a city which sleeps very late. Even at one am in the morning, you will still find a number of people out on the streets and that doesn't include those sleeping on it :-)
With the huge shortage of public/private toilets in the city and the excessive population (more than OZ and NZ combined, in reality), a lot of people have just no option. Women go out in groups together as it turns dark taking turns at doing it and standing guard for others.
Its really very sad and disgusting. More than 60% of Mumbai's population of 25 million live in slums with just one or two toilets for several hundreds of people. And, the population just keeps growing as people from the rest of the country keep pouring in, in search of jobs. Incredibly, against all odds, we have still survived. And, there seems to be a very real feeling that things are looking up. Lets see how things work out. Om, shanthi, om !!!