In Reply to: First time nervous visitor posted by tony7165g on Monday, 10. July 2006 at 17:54 Bali Time:
My first experience in Bali was with much trepidation also so I know how you feel but none of my fears were founded howvere the next time I went over I took some basic precautions, mainly to combat the dehydration that you can sometimes feel and a few other things.
-drink bottled water and clean your teeth with bottled water ( many hotels provide you with bottled water )
- I took take some Anchor raspberry cordial with me and had a strong glass a day. Something to do with the cochineal bug they use to make the Anchor cordial ( a research project at Murdoch University )
- salvital or a salt replacement drink is good if you are feeling dehydrated
- use only money changers who are registered banks
- take a doctors letter for your prescription medication and a copy of prescriptions if you have medication you rely on
- I got basic hepatitis shots but not specifically for Bali as Hep A is in all countries
-Oh and take a small toilet roll with you when you go out! man have I been caught out on this one a couple of times
I also learnt a few Indonesian Bahasa phrases. It really helped and was appreciated and will assist you in communicating.
Have fun and learn from your experiences. Bali is like everywhere else. Don't be scared. Bali is a lovely place with some gorgeous people. Some people will be critical of anyone who tells you negative things about Bali but the truth is that Bali is like everywhere else. There are good and bad experiences. Travel anywhere in the world has risks including travel within Australia. Have a look through the archives and you may find many of your subject matters already covered.
Have fun