Friday is one of those days when I gave my camera a rest - other than to take a couple of pictures of Piegirl with the carvings that Made has made for us.
The carvings are great. The attention to detail is terrific ... the work is exquisite ...
We talk to Made about making a bell for our friend in the USA. I draw the bell, and this is a shape that evidently he is not completely familiar with. He's fine with an almost rectangular cow bells but we found a traditional shaped bell in the hotel's spa area ... and he is going to work on it. We want the word 'Bali' to feature on the bell of course. He tells us he'll have something to show us tomorrow!!
First off we get some cash changed. We took a supply of $100 notes and utilise the Mercure safety deposit boxes. This is a much more secure and efficient system than we thought it would be ... we had envisioned queues like Maccas on a school holiday lunchtime.
The first time we changed money in Kuta Square we were rooked - not a great amount - but nevertheless it was a lesson. We changed money one time in a Kodak shop in JL Melasti - no problems there - but since then we've used the Mercure.
The rate is slightly lower than what is on offer around the town, but on the upside, we can do the transaction on the spot - we don't have to run the gauntlet of 'hawkers of everything' with large denomination Australian cash in our pockets, the staff at the hotel are scrupulously honest - they count the money before us then give it to us to check, they provide us with a written record of the transaction, and we can sit down in the reception area of the hotel and sort out our money with no fear of prying eyes or other problems. For the sake of a couple of dollars in the hundred, it is hassle-free and well worth it!
The Pieperson's mission today is to find Janoko tailor in Poppies II. From all accounts they are very good and reasonable ... so off we go with some clothes that Piegirl wants to get copied.
We find the shop with no problem at all - their range of fabric is extensive and Piegirl is well pleased with it. She chooses her fabrics and then negotiates a price with the woman who runs the shop. After a short negotiation we agree a price which we think is more than reasonable. (Find out more in the 'Big Bums in Bali' report ... Ibu Pie promises to write it this very evening!)
We'll come back on Monday to pick things up.
Strolling down JL Legian we see a shop with especially nice handbags - good leather - supple - good quality. We pick up two at a 'good for you, good for me' price.
We wander down JL Pantai Kuta. There are many shops and stalls to be visited or at least looked at - and a guy who tells us he is from Lombok manages to lure us in to one by calling us by our first names!
Do we know this guy? Noooooo ... he'd read our names on Mrs Pie's body art on her back!!!
With such a great introduction, he's halfway to making a sale already. We're impressed.
This dude speaks excellent English and is a great operator. It doesn't take long and we have a growing pile of merchandise in front of us.
Piegirl also is a great operator.
Our man suggests a price and we chuckle - of course. A counter offer is made. Our man suggests another price ... and Piegirl plays her trump card.
She produces a piece of paper ... and says the magic words ... 'this is what we paid the other day for these same items at the art market.' Using a calculator, she totals today's potential sale on those prices ... and makes the offer.
There is some discussion - not a lot - and the deal is accepted. Just like that. We'll never know whether we were way too high - or just right - but as far as we're concerned, we're happy and so are the guys in the shop. 'Good for you, good for me.' As it happens, we'll see these dudes again before we leave ...
This afternoon we swim in the hotel pool - an infinity pool with a magical view of Kuta Beach. It is up on the fourth floor of the hotel and is swept continually by a gentle breeze. Pieboy would love to say that the water was warm and he floated around for hours. It wasn't. And he didn't. But it was warm out of the water, in the sun, out of the breeze.
The Piepeople might have had a little afternoon nap ... just a few minutes. Might have.
The perennial problem of where to eat is looming. Poppies I is close - and we've been attracted to the smells coming from Fat Yogis when we've walked past. Naturally we want to eat traditional food wherever we are. Which is why we had sate - and pizza - and thoroughly enjoyed our meal.
And then it was off for the Friday night reflexology.
The team at Ibu Jari are great. This is the third night we've been in there and tonight they have cup cakes for us to try as well as the usual drinks. We joke and tell stories - and practice our Indonesian to their great delight and general hilarity.
We get back to our hotel where we are faced with a major problem. The duty free Malibu has all gone. None left. This means of course that we're down to a litre of gin ... but the problem is clear. Do we have tonic or bitter lemon with the gin. Pieboy leans towards tonic - Piegirl is ambivalent.
The solution is so simple. We buy cans of both tonic and bitter lemon. We have a few days to polish off a litre. Can the Pies rise to the challenge?
... coming along soon ... Piegirl the scambuster ...