iam bored.its getting colder here,

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Posted by sunshinecoasts on Saturday, 1. July 2006 at 17:35 Bali Time:

and the news is on so some more of whatever.and i have just figured out how to start a new paragraph.

shopping report.mataharis is probably the best value shopping centre in bali.went to discovery and everything is sooooo expensive.julie forgot her moose hair stuff.finally found some 160,000rp.no way ho zay.found the same stuff in circle k for 60,000rp.ADVICE MOOSE USERS BRING YOUR OWN.the discovery mall is a must to see anyhow.

we bought all the basic bali stall stuff from ketuts (FIXED PRICED] in legian.rip curl,quicksilver,billabong board shorts 35,000rp same in tee shirts 30,000rp.two really nice long skirts at 40,000rp and pleanty of childens cloths for ????.you will get a cold bottle of water when you walk in and guess what?no hassles no bargaining.i love bargaining but not for everything.its a pleasant experience especially for newbies,as you will pay a fair price for everything.

back to mataharis.julie found a beautiful handbag by guess.it was nice but 1.1 million.lets keep looking you will find something just as nice for less money.kept looking in every shop for two days.nothing suited.went back to mataharis to buy and GUESS[pun] what,sold.iam in the dog house big time.ohhhh well.found gucci bag in shop around corner for 700,000rp.i asked what the discount was,30%final price.i said 50% and that was that.so we left and spent another two days trying to find something else.back again to same shop a few days later.you back my shop give good price on gucci 40%discount.no way 50%.deal done at 50% discount.this shop has all quality bags,not the market stall stuff,eg LV plastic type stuff.i asked why so expensive compared to stalls,simple reply, all there bags are made in korea.you could really tell the diference from the real things.true story julie came back from shopping this afternoon from the sunshine plaza (like discovery in bali)and two young ladies came up to julie and out of the blue said where did you get that beautiful hand bag.bali,but she is still pissed of she missed the guess bag.oh well that show biz

bought a mate a genuine gold coin necklace at mataharis for 250,000rp.same thing in real gold probably around $aud 5,000.00he was thrilled and has just gone out and bought a 55 gal drum of brasso.he's gonna need it.

also at mataharis julie bought her grandson two game boy advanced games at 150,000rp each.they are $aud 100.00 each here.she also bought a bunch of more kids clothing for a song compared to here.

ya gotta go to geneva for the best buys FIXED PRICE nick nacks.and as discussed bring more than yo intend to spend.

booze,ran out of duty free 10th day.and julie likes gordons gin.off to bintang supermarket.gordons 750 ml 175,000rp not a bad price but right next to gordons was some local stuff in small bottle at 20,000.we will try it,and if horrible down the sink and back for the real thing.and in all honesty is wasnt that bad with half a lime squeezed in drink.

taxis.we always only use the blue bird taxis.they are modern and drivers speak good english.there is another light blue cab called raj something but not the same quality as bluebird.the fares have just about doubled since last trip but its still so inexpensive who cares.i always give the drivers a tip and they are so appreciative.and they love the salamt pagi,siang,sore, aka kabar,kabar biak.the biak is prounced bike.salamat tingall etc etc.if you can learn a few phrases and use them they just seem overwhelmed you have gone to the trouble to trying to speak a little bahasa.

julie had a swim suit made at climax.our own material from spotlight and the cost was 80,000 to make.wayan wasn't there when suit was measured and the first fitting was a little to big.no problem,suit was made smaller and just fine.same thing over here would be around $aud 100.00 to 120.00 thats it pretty much shoping if something pops into my mind i will let you know.

god i miss the bintang beer.i like corona for a treat and bought a few from convience store at 17,000rp and compared.bintang 8,000rp and honestly the bintang was the better of the two.we can get bintang here on the sunshine coast for $aud 18.00 per six pack.that will be my next treat.

salamat tingall,going to watch the lions maul carleton tonight.cheers norm and julie

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