Total confusion!?.......

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Posted by Kutafan on Monday, 10. May 2021 at 16:33 Bali Time:

Is there any more of a confusing issue now than the Governments stated position on future International travel?
One minute, Morrison states that International travel resumption is delayed "indefinitely".
The next he is backpedaling and stating a different position.
A few months ago he made comments along the lines that we cannot "stay under the dooner", and we need to work a way out of our position.
Then he states that we need to be under the dooner indefinitely.
Now, he is neither under the dooner or half out of the dooner.
He is responsible for the inefficiencies of the vaccine roll outs, and this is connected absolutely to any resumption of international travel.
The discussion is now trending towards a "vaccine passport" scenario, which is at least one hopeful sensible sign.
Has the Prime Minister seen Mark McGowans "hard border" stance being the way to ensure a solid win in an upcoming election??
It certainly worked for the WA premier.
The Australian people and all those involved in International travel, deserve better consistency and information on the plan for restarting restricted International travel.
Other countries have shown a determination to start the recovery process in a controlled way and there is no reason for Australia to to "stay under a dooner" until covid disappears.
It isn't going to happen.

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