In Reply to: swish posted by jac00k on Friday, 14. January 2011 at 09:35 Bali Time:
as i am happy to hear of a new good place for all of u to feed r face,i just have to say! the husband who set it all up, worked his ass off to get staff gOing and get it all up and running, got totLLY F**KED BY HIS NOW SOON TO BE X WIFE WHO TOOK OFF WITH THE SIGNER ON THE PERMITS,Had her little frolic in paiadise while he did all the hard work, then came back, got him out and stole it from him! if their coffee was the best in town, i would not drink it in spite of the nasty woman she is! sorry. only my opinion! i do not know either of them, but i sure know the story! so suck up ur good coffee while he ans his 14yr old daughter go try to start A NEW LIFE!