Veeeery Interrrresting!

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Posted by yickadee on Wednesday, 12. January 2011 at 15:57 Bali Time:

In Reply to: Late JBR #2 posted by burmycat on Tuesday, 11. January 2011 at 14:12 Bali Time:

Our party of 6 will be staying in a villa on a gang off of Jl Drupadi in May and a lot of your suggestions have gone in my little Bali book.

I'm not too familiar with this area and you've helped a lot in me kind of getting my bearings. La Sal was already on the list (it's just around the corner) but I've ticked it twice now - Raspberry Margarita's!!

Mannekepis, Me'nu, Nirvana and the Haveli stores are all on my list now.

Could you tell me which Carla Spa you frequented? And I've heard so many sing the praises of Martha Tiller now I may just have to try it.

Thanks for your JBR's very helpful and funny - 'Spotty me gets into the spring everyone else gets out' also liked the part about the taxi following you all the way home. We also have the philosophy in Bali 'once ya wet ya can't get any wetter'.

So I'm off to daydream a little more of Bali 'toot toot, sweep sweep'


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