In Reply to: Babies and beggars posted by Burti on Thursday, 28. December 2006 at 08:40 Bali Time:
... hire babies - it is quire common down around Kuta especially.
They make more money begging than if they went and worked.
The government do a round up from time to time, send them
back to their village, and even offer them some basic training
to get a job, but 9 times out of 10 they end up back on the street.
All a bit sad really.
It is still a bit hard to walk past them without giving something,
even when you know its a con.
On a brighter note, as it is now after midnight - so Fri the 29th,
Louise and I (plus Lucas and Olivia) are off TODAY - back to Bali.
We head out of Melb to Sydney (yuk), then Jetstar to Bali :)
Puja will be there to meet us, and heading straight up to Ubud.
Can't wait.
Louise has a stack of stuff for the Birthing Clinic, and we also have
a stack of stuff for Hope Childrens Home and also things for Gede and
his school up in Singaraja + Helen Flavel's learning centre.
I think we must have 50kg of donation stuff !
Hope you and Ron are well.
Happy New Year to all from Puja as well.
Regards, Geoff & Louise