In Reply to: dentures? posted by bridgetjones on Wednesday, 27. December 2006 at 15:58 Bali Time:
Hope this helps I copied it from a post further down about teeth whitening
Posted by Debe on Wednesday, 27. December 2006 at 17:58 Bali Time:
In Reply to: teeth whitening posted by rosebud on Wednesday, 27. December 2006 at 09:44 Bali Time:
I thought about having it done last time I was there, as I was having other dental work done...(two caps) $175 ea. USD, and they are great...the cost for whitening was expensive..if I recall it was $500 USD, it costs less at home. Mind you though, this is with sophistocated equipment...which they had just purchased...thers probably less expensive methods..
This dentists office also does dentures....I in response to the above post....I asked about dentures for a friend of mine....and he gave me a ballpark of about $700 US, but that was with out pulling the teeth...he wanted her to send a picture...not exray just a photo of her teeth..I would post the name of the dentist, but I would need to locate his card, which isn't easy at the moment...the name is something like DR. Sucipto...I also have a email address for if anyone is interested I can post it..the receptionist writes english very well..