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Posted by annie on Wednesday, 27. December 2006 at 01:29 Bali Time:

In Reply to: looking for info on trip to Java posted by Gfour on Tuesday, 26. December 2006 at 19:20 Bali Time:

three weeks ago I travelled on the night bus from Denpasar to Malang.It was an airconditioned bus seats lay right back, received boxed snack, then about a midnight or 1 pm meal somewhere where all the buses stop and you are given a ticket (all included in tix price)then a hot buffet and tea, then back on bus and arrived Malang 4 a.m.It was better than any bus trip I have taken in Australia and the locals were delightful. On the ferry you could either stay in the bus or go on deck. I think it was only about 150,000. If you have to stay in Malang, I recommend the Hotel Splendide, I think I paid 200,000 and that included a hot breakfast and the bathroom was western, it was airconditioned, large and family run. Beautiful old place. transport was cheap and i went everywhere by...(cant think of Indonesian word but like rickshaw.) The reverse journey was the same.Good luck and enjoy, all the locals I met could not have been more helpful.

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