Possibly unscruptulous Hotel Personnel

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Posted by Putu_Les on Saturday, 23. December 2006 at 18:49 Bali Time:

In Reply to: Time share rort posted by gomer on Friday, 22. December 2006 at 18:58 Bali Time:

particularly if they work on "telephones" and want to help a "friend".

You will find that the practice in most reputable hotels is, when an inward telephone call is received, for telephonist to ask name of caller and name of person to whom call is being made. They are instructed to call room first to announce call/caller name and only when approved by guest connection is actually made.

I have heard of one 3-star property in Kuta area where this policy is not strictly adhered-to by some telephone staff (certainly not condoned by management here but obviously they are not strictly policing the situation).

Should a guest in any hotel/villa receive unwanted sales-related calls, they should immediately make a formal complaint to the Duty Manager who will quickly "nip it in the bud" and hopefully save other guests similar inconvenience.

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