In Reply to: Colleen posted by LynneeD on Friday, 15. December 2006 at 13:15 Bali Time:
bit behind in checking my emails & replying at the moment.I have still got to finish the Christmas cards & 101 other things before the big day.
It just all got too hard & when you add on cost of domestic flights to Perth & the time involved it's crazy.We are also not into sitting on a plane for 10 hours plus for what should be a 5 hour flight.I don't want to have to fly half way around Australia in order to get to Bali.I expect I am not the only one who is frustrated by lack of flights.
If I want to spend 10 hours on a plane & spend the money it would cost I'd want to travel a bit further than Bali.If we fly into Darwin I'd want to spend more than 1 night there so this time around it was just as easy to say Darwin is it !
I will reply soon & if we are in Darwin at the same time we can catch up there.