In straight talk Tracey

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Posted by Colleen on Thursday, 14. December 2006 at 23:54 Bali Time:

In Reply to: So then the only way they could posted by TnT on Thursday, 14. December 2006 at 18:45 Bali Time:

you got stun by someone who bought your details from Immigration.Anyone who denies that this happens these days is fooling themselves.
As I said before I'd be mighty peed off if someone phoned me in our hotel room at 6am to try & offer me the opportunity of a lifetime - in other words timeshare.My feeling is IF it sounds too good it's usally a con,if it smells like fish ,it's usually seafood.Okay I know 1001 people plus out there love time share but I don't wanna know about - so leave me to hell alone & don't phone me at 6am & give me a hard time about it !

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