point taken and probably deserved,

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Posted by hools on Monday, 11. December 2006 at 18:41 Bali Time:

In Reply to: must you posted by vonda on Sunday, 10. December 2006 at 15:54 Bali Time:

but do you realise that you hijacked the site that "I" hijacked !
As for humour ,it would be a pretty dull life if everybody was serious . If some of my posts offend people and they complain then I will apologise, I don't wish to offend people, And as Monty Python says " Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life"
I could say more about Botox ( Botulism injections),but that would spark another debate , I guess I am just an old fashion bloke who likes people for what they are, not what they can spend to be someone else. (put my foot in it again).
Cheers Hools

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