Jetstar to Bali last night

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Posted by kenb on Monday, 11. December 2006 at 16:35 Bali Time:

I thought the flight went really well. Apart for some confusion with the domestic flight from Brisbane to Sydney which we thought was going to be Jetstar but instead it was Qantas. Booked luggage in at Brisbane and all arrived Ok in Bali.
The plane was a Airbus 300 - 303 passengers cap.( seating on most of the plane is 2seats/isle/4 seats/isle/2 seats. Although we didn't buy or pre pay for the meal the passengers seem to think it was ok for flight meals. The drop down tv screens had quite a variety and the featured film was Boytown. As well as that you also hire a digi player. The flight was 90% full and left 30 minutes late but seemed to pick up most of that during the flight.
I thought the service was great and I would certainly book with them again. We return in 10 days so we will see if it has changed.
Rained most of the morning but now cloudy and fine. Off to S&S now. cheers Ken

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