In Reply to: Hey Lynne do what I am doing posted by Tuberose on Sunday, 10. December 2006 at 19:55 Bali Time:
I'd be there. As it is I'm taking 4 weeks off work. Even though I have enough long service leave I really don't like taking more than 2 weeks as it disrupts the class. They are never as settled when I get back even though I have a good replacement teacher. My cvloass of 6 year olds sat through the 2 hour presentation day today without moving. All the oither kindies had kids jumping up to go to the toilet every five minutes. I was so proud of them. I shouted them an iceblockand a lolly at the canteen when we got back. It was 36 degrees.
The only reason I'm having 4 weeks is the cruise is the first of the season so can't go any earlier.
Have to make it the following year (for my 50th?). Scary thought that.