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Posted by Bondy on Monday, 31. July 2006 at 06:14 Bali Time:

Sorry its late I was away working all weekend!

It seemed like I was awake all night and had just got to sleep........when suddenly the light was turned on and Coral was opening the toilet door with a bang. 'Ohh Coral!!' It was 6am and she had to have her coffee and fag fix. I hate people that sleep!!!!!

Gary said he would take the two M's out for the day as Coral and I were heading off to Denpasar for my Dentist appoint at Dr Sucipto surgery. I go every time I am in Bali, I am slowly getting my black fillings replaced. I hate going to the Dentist as I am a big chicken but I feel comfortable with Dr Wayan from Dr Sucipto surgery.
Gary's new friend Mimin had arranged a friend of hers to drive us there. He arrived on time and was the first driver that knew how to get there.
I had mercury fillings taken out and two teeth filled and rebuilt, then I had my teeth cleaned for $158 Aust. Coral came in to watch and ended up getting her teeth cleaned as well.

After the dentist we were off to Ramayana to do some serious shopping. Coral decided that she would have a spend up on her grandkids and changed 2 days worth of spending money ($200). We walked around for about 3 hours picking up some really nice clothes for the kids.
At one stage I had lost Coral and was browsing around on my own when I spotted a hand bag sitting under a mannequin. I thought someone had put it down and left it there, so I told one of the young shop assistant, who had no idea what I was saying....so I took her over to the bag and pointed at it and tried to tell her someone had left it..........she just kept looking at me with a smile on her face nodding her head. In the end I thought bugger it....who ever left it will realize and come back for it. So I went on my way looking around. A few isles up I noticed another mannequin with a bag under it... the next isle also had a mannequin with a bag under it ....how stupid am I?.......... they were displays.......ohh what a idiot! Haha

I found a counter that sold mobile phones......I had dropped my mobile phone at my sponsor child's village and broken it, which meant my husband had not heard from me for a couple of days. I knew he would be frantic.....and the phone in our room at the hotel was also broken. I just wanted to buy a cheap one to text him. I ended up buying a second hand one for 350,000rp with 10,000rp phone credit.

I found Coral in the kids section with her arms loaded up with clothes, we made our way to the check out and stood in line, when it was Corals turn she put all her stuff down for the girl to ring up and went for her wallet which she had in an over the shoulder hand bag.........the zip was open and the wallet gone!!! We ran around the shop in case she may have dropped it.....but she knew there was no way she could have dropped it, she had it pushed down the bottom of her hand bag! We found a security guard but could not make him understand English. I spotted a lady with a Balinese man who spoke English, so he was kind enough to get an announcement put over the intercom asking if any one had found a wallet. Off cause it didn't turn up. Coral was devastated........ and wanted a fag!

So we went and sat on the step in front of Ramayana. We ended up with all the hawkers coming up asking did we want a bemo, watches, sunglasses! I put my hands up and said 'Singula Pizz' (I learnt that on the forum as well hee hee.....it means no money) The hawkers looked at us and said 'NO singular pizz' I told them 'my friend has just been robbed....they took all her money!' Well with that they all gathered around Coral and asked was she OK ...did she want a drink..........did she want a pair of sunglasses....did she need a tax.... all for free....we no charge you! They were as upset as Coral and told us it was very bad..... no good... and if Balinese caught them they would kill them or cut their hands off!

One guy sat next to Coral, holding her arm and told her....not to dwell on it...that it is only going to make her very unhappy.....he said you have to let it go...your money is gone don't let it make you unhappy for the rest of your holiday. He was so lovely, it seemed like he was trying to counsel her. We couldn't believe how concerned they were.........the Balinese are really and truly lovely people!

We found our driver and headed home. I was starving as it was 2pm and I hadn't eaten so I conned Coral into stopping at Centro......I had to tell her I would buy her lunch! Now that was some gesture as Coral eats a lot!

As we were looking for a place to eat in Centro, we got talking to a Scottish lady and she told us that Ramayana is well known for theft. She had her back pack slit and her purse taken the last time she was there. She was a lovely elderly lady who talked very fast in a Scottish accent...but every second word was F....ck! I had to stop my self from bursting out laughing, it sounded so funny coming from and innocent old lady! I had to keep my sympathetic face on for poor Coral!

We ended up having lunch in a restaurant on the left hand side at the back of Centro over looking the beach. I had fish and chips. The theft hadn't dampened Corals appetite! Ha ha the food was beautiful.
After eating and feeling much better we headed home.

We were sitting on the verandah when Gary came up with a stern look on his face! He started waving his arms around saying 'Bloody hell...you two need a medal putting up with Mum & Margaret!'
He said the day started off with getting a cab and taking the two M's over to Supa Nova as Mum wanted to get some more Martha Tillar's face cream.
On the way over in the taxi Gary was telling them about the dangers of getting out of the cab on the wrong side. I thought he was a bit late telling them now.... they had been in Bali for 8 days. When they arrived at Supa Nova he said they started to argue about which side of the cab to get out off.........He had to tell them they were in a car park... and it didn't matter! Gary paid the driver and got out...but the two M's were still sitting there arguing over who was going to pay not realizing he had already paid! He said he gritted his teeth and told them to get out that he has already paid!

They got into Supa Nova and Mum headed for the face cream counter. She purchased her cream and then said to Marg ' Ok lets go' and started walking out the door...........Margaret hadn't even looked at anything yet! So Gary had to explain to Mum the rules on being fair!!!

After Supa Nova they headed over in a taxi to Centro, when they arrived the two M's started the same argument over which side of the cab to get out off .... and who was going to pay....Gary had to tell them that he had already paid and get out of the cab!!!! They finally got out and stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up.. then they started 'Ohh we can't get up there! There's too many steps!' So he had to help them both up the steps!! ..haarr haar I wish I had off seen that!

He took them for a coffee and cake at one of the restaurants. They had just sat down when they started to ague over something else.... By this stage Gary's fuse blew!!!... he stood up and said 'right Mum... you sit in that corner!!.... Margaret you sit in the other!!!....... and I want you both to behave your selves and just shut up!!!!

He said that made them go quiet for while.....and all was going well..........but the next minute a waiter ran over to Margaret and told her... the cinnamon stick she was eating was only to stir her coffee....not to eat!

After being nice and quiet while they were eating they started to ague over the bill........Gary had to tell them to !SHOOSH UP!........ as he will pay!

He managed to get them back down the steps and into a cab in one piece without killing them! Just before the hotel they spotted the 'Flowers beauty parlour' and decided that they would get their hair done as they were leaving the next day. They even conned Gary into having his hair done.

Gary said they all walked in and the two 'he she's' ran up to greet them. Mum told them Coral and I were her daughters............ with that they made a big fuss and waved their arms around them grabbed them one by one and gave them a kiss on both cheeks....ha ha Gary said he just wanted to back out the door and run... but he was trapped..... He said 'they had me in the chair before I knew it' he sat through his hair cut frozen in fear! I thought he would not have a problem........and reminded him that he did have a gay brother. He said ohh no these two were a bit touchy feely and wanted to cuddle everyone!

After his hair cut he left the two M's and bolted back to the hotel leaving Mum and Marg to get their hair done.

He said when Mum came back they had teased her hair up that much she looked like Mrs Doubt Fire! He couldn't stop laughing He told her she better go and comb it down before she got caught in a gust of wind and blown away like Mary Poppins!

That night we were all invited to John and Wat's i for dinner. So about 5.30 we caught a cab over.
Their house is lovely. The kitchen dining area is all open and looks onto a swimming pool which is surrounded by rock walls with water falls flowing down.
Wati must have been cooking all day she really turned on a beautiful spread for us. Mind you she does have a house keeper, but Wati loves to cook, so the house keeper prepares the food and cleans up after Wati. Now wouldn't that be nice!
We did find it strange that all the Aussies including John sat at the dining room table and all the Balinese sat around the coffee table eating. I tried to bring them up to eat with us but they wouldn't be in it.

After our meal John called me into his bar area and said he had brought a bottle of Arak for me to drink! AArrrrrhhhh no way! He had a good chuckle and showed me the difference between good Arak and the one that they serve in the pubs...bad Arak!......God the smell of the cheap stuff was just like sewerage the good Arak didn't really have much of a smell............In my books there is no 'good' Arak and I am never gonna drink that stuff again! In fact that night has cured me.........I am never going to get that drunk ever again!
I went to Coral's sons wedding last weekend and I only got a little tipsy! Ha ha
After dinner we sat and chatted, and a few things came up about Brother Chris and his wife Gary. Margaret looked at me like she had tigged onto the fact that they were gay........I lent over and whispered in her ear that Mum didn't know that Chris was gay! Ha ha ! I had her going for awhile.. During the conversation Gary piped up and said he had a confession to make .........he was gay as well .....he said he thinks he is a Lesbian!

We caught a cab home and left Gary there to drink with John, we were home and in bed by 10.30

Tomorrow its good bye to Mum and Marg!

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