In Reply to: A dingo's got my surfboard!! posted by drdaz on Friday, 28. July 2006 at 14:43 Bali Time:
this time. The " she was set up" frenzy has died down from Australia as more information comes out about the family and the stuff dad's best friend next door grew in his farmlet and got arrested for and the brother who is in jail too.
Can't mention anything about the car sister as it is heresay, but not pretty.
Take your point about Lindy Chamberlain, but it was the exact opposite. The entire Australian Media had here guilty and hung out to dry from day one.Lets not let the facts get in the way of a conviction.
The case we are discussing now the entire media had her innocent and as pure as driven snow.
Once again they were totally disinterested in the facts.
It was just the head of the AFP and senior Australian judges who came out and said the same evidence in an Australian court would lead to a conviction.
I'm sure the ALP could have said a lot more but they didn't want to make a bad situation worse for the poor girl.