In Reply to: If you hear something first hand posted by LynneeD on Saturday, 22. July 2006 at 13:58 Bali Time:
I said I heard first hand. This means that the person who had the experience told the story, not a friend of a friend.
I have met this woman on 2 previous occasions and the last time( May this year) she had just arrived from Lovena that morning.
She told me that a new large house had been built but there was no new clinic.
She told me the web site speaks of a vegie garden but there is no garden.
She told me that she was told ( heresay begins) by Glorias' staff that treatment is not necessarily free and that if she really wanted to destribute aid then give small amounts of cash directly to the people.( this is what she did. From the back of a motor bike and she is a large lady)
She also told me the volunteers walked out as they had seen through the scheme.
Finally she said that Gloria is doing some good work but is completely misrepresenting where the money goes.
There was absolutely reason for her to lie, and as you have read above she apparantly defended Gloria in the past from people who had already seen through her.
I say again. There are many NGO's in Bali and unfortunately too many are run with an eye to giving the principals a good living.