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Posted by Loz on Saturday, 22. July 2006 at 03:33 Bali Time:

In Reply to: Jeez mate, you probably need a Binnie posted by Rangatira on Friday, 21. July 2006 at 16:39 Bali Time:

You cannot put brains into a statue. As far as Qantas is concerned they did nothing to explain, direct or help all the stranded passengers. They were left to their own devices to find out where booking desks lost luggage office etc were. I mean to say it was not their fault the planes got ice on there wings, but they had a duty to help the people affected. I would have thought a rep from the international terminal could have been at domestic to expedite people onto waiting flights and sort out the mess left but the ones left behind.
We are about to be picked up to go on a direct flight. It does not matter if the wings are iced up because the plane will not leave without us. One good thing was that I could email Mida from Sydney and let her know we would be arriving today. She has replied and things are on track again. Rangatira I would have drunk banyak bintangs yesterday with all the drama, so I will make up for it later today.

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