JBR 3 Its of to Ubud

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Posted by Bondy on Thursday, 20. July 2006 at 11:16 Bali Time:

We got up had breakfast and packed our bags ready for our 12 o'clock transfers to Tegal Sari.

Before we headed up to Ubud we decided to take a cab over to Supa Nova and get some Martha Tillars cream that I had heard so much about on the forum.
I brought the anti aging cream & gel (for the more mature skin), night cream & face wash 177,000. Absolutely beautiful I ended up going back and buying some for my daughter but I mucked up and brought her the same as me, the anti ageing cream, which is a bit too rich for her younger skin. Mum also ended up buying a set. And has since told me that sheloves it......... she said she has been asked if she has had a face lift in Bali.

Then it was back to the Hotel to say good bye to brother Chris and his wife Gary they were going home the next day.

Brother Gary was staying in Kuta still looking for the girl of his dreams. So it was just us girls going off to Ubud for 3 days. I was going to meet my sponsor child at Singaraja and thought we would stay in Ubud for a couple of days, that way the trip to Singaraja would not be so long.

I had a pair of frameless prescription sunglasses made when I was in Bali at Xmas, from the optical store at Ramayana . I had never worn them in Australia and only kept them as spares. I left my good ones in Aust and only brought these pair with me. I am short sighted and need glasses for TV & driving.
When we were walking to reception for our transfers, I had them perched on top of my head. I tried to pull them down to put them on, but they got tangled in my hair and just shattered and snapped in half. I had glass all through my hair and the arms of the glasses were sticking out either side of my head. Coral being the compassionate friend she is, fell in the garden laughing and had to run off to pee, leaving me to walk to reception looking like a complete dork. So that was the end of my sunnies!
The driver picked us up on time and the girls were on our way for a new adventure.
We had not had lunch and were a little hungry so we asked him to stop off at a supermarket so we could pick up a few things. I brought some large bags of rice to take u to the village. And some supplies for our trip. We brought some cans of coke as we had our duty free grog with us...... Hey we were on holidays! So for lunch we had potato chips, Rum and coke hee hee
Now Margaret was going to see more of Bali in the comfort of the van.........with a can in hand! I on the other hand had a few visual problems. At one stage the girls all squealed in horror at the sight of a pig being gutted on the side of the road...............I thought it was a bag of rice being opened!

We arrived at Tegal Sari about an hour later. We had booked for two Wooden rooms, but one was not ready and was being cleaned, so we decided to go up and have a drink on Mum and Marg's veranda until our room was ready.

Ahhh the view........it is just so peaceful, the rice fields were full of water with newly growing rice sprouting up. When we were there at Xmas the rice was fullyl grown. We would sit for hours just watching the workers shooing away the birds, this time there were hundreds of ducks all following each other in a row along the bank. They would follow each other into the water and swim around catching things to eat, absolutely beautiful, we were in paradise!

We all filled our drinks up and sat giggling at Mum, who was talking and singing to the ducks. She loves bird life. At one stage I got really excited because one of the ducks was going a little crazy he had something BIG that he was trying to catch and was bopping up and down in the water.... I was up on my feet and pointing him out to the girls......look! look! The girls all jumped up to check out this duck.
Mum said 'Pauline the duck has anther duck underneath him......he is Pucking a duck!' Well, that started Coral off again and she went running to the loo laughing all the way!. Ohh.. How I missed my glasses!

When I booked the rooms, I had stayed in the Duplex room and the new rooms, but had decided this time we would stay in the wooden rooms. But I didn't realize they only have a double bed inside and a single bed on the veranda. So we had to decide who slept where. Coral said she would sleep on the verandah. (That was her punishment for laughing at me)
Surprising enough, Mum and Marg started to argue over who would sleep where.... they were both trying to appoint 'themselves' to sleeping on the veranda . How noble! It was decided that Mum would sleep on the veranda then she could sing to the ducks all night.... The way their duty free was going down I didn't doubt it!

Well with that sorted it was time for another drink. Reception had rung and our room was ready. We thought we would finish our drinks first then head on over. As we were gazing out over the rice fields...... a HUGE monitor lizard run up and over the wall in front of us............Mum and Coral nearly spat drink every where and decided that they were NOT sleeping outside............so we pulled the mattresses inside so they could sleep on the floor. I did offer Coral to sleep in the double bed with me but I think she was worried about the gay factor in my family.

That afternoon after we were all settled we took the free transport to the markets for a look around. Mum wanted one of those cylinders that have a spring attached underneath and it sounds like thunder when you wiggle it. So I barted for it and came to an agreed 20,000rp with the stall holder. As I went to get the money out of Mum's purse the stall holder looked at her daughter, who grabbed a plastic bag and slipped a smaller one into it and tried to hand it to me.......Ohh she hadn't met MY Mother! Mum piped up and said NO I saw you swap the one we wanted with a small one.........so we walked away with out the thunder thingy.

We walked from the markets down Monkey Forest rd in single file yelling out warnings to each other to watch out for........."big hole ' 'dog' 'dip' 'little hole' Coral and I were giggling like old school girls, until we reached Ubud restaurant.
I just had to go there and have a 'Cookie Monster' we were addicted to them at Xmas. They are an Ice-cream with choc chip cookies through it. Really yummy. I had Chap Cay 15,000rp and was so just too full to fit in a Cookie Monster! Oh well Maybe next time.

Back with free transport to Tegal Sari and the two M's were off to bed, Coral and I booked a massage and decided to have it around the pool as it was dark no one could see us. 75,000 each it was great very relaxing. Then it was back to the room for a big bath that I had run before we left.

Ahh the end of another day in paradise!

Tomorrow.. Its off to see my sponsor child

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