Just found 13 days spending money!

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Posted by Hillary on Monday, 17. July 2006 at 10:20 Bali Time:

I don't like ironing, I really don't. I mean once when the local kids came aroung selling chocolates in aid of their school and I was on a diet I asked Brian to hide them. He did and I never found them at the bottom of the ironing pile. I mean I don't think the bottom of the ironing pile is meant to be reached.

However we are currently having a clear out in readiness to move house next year (yes it will take that long) and there, in between the skirt that mysteriously shrank and is a tad snug now and the shirt with the faded collar that Brian bought in Matahari ten or so years ago, lay, snugly nestled, a little wad of $50 notes and 1 $10. Anyway I counted them several times and have come to the conclusion that there is definitely $1310!!!!

Now, it's plain to me that this is a gift from the Gods and as such should be spent in the Island of Gods. (you all agree with me don't you? hmmm silly question)

Now I'm thinking it's just a question of phrasing this correctly to get Brians agreement (well this marriage is supposed to be a democracy). I'm thinking something like "Hi darling. Look the Dockers are on the telly. If I was to find a smallish sum of money, say for example, amongst the ironing. We could use it to take to Bali couldn't we. Oh God that umpire is so wrong. What do you say?"

I think this could work.

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