In Reply to: Tattoo's what to know posted by boris on Sunday, 16. July 2006 at 09:11 Bali Time:
- its too late and they, or worse still their children have a bad reaction.
Here is some more information.
Beware of temporary tattoos. Many people have severe reactions to the chemical cocktail called PDD which is used instead of real henna, and which is toxic and can cause liver and kidney problems. Most severe in children. Refer to, or http://sphosting/reverendbunny/mediappd.htm or .
Cortisone cream applied regularly gives some relief.
Researchers in Germany have also uncovered a link between temporary tattoos and permanent, lifelong dermatitis. (3D World Magazine issue #569). Sufferers remain allergic to some metals, detergents and foods for life.
Be even more careful of permanent Tattoos. Ensure that you un-seal any sterile equipment and that you see the gun sterilised before use. Insist on new ink/dyes as these can also transmit Hep C which will be with you for the rest of your life.