In Reply to: alcohol posted by garee on Friday, 14. July 2006 at 17:48 Bali Time:
About 6 years ago I got caught by a customs officer for having 3 litres of alcohol instead of 2 between the 2 of us. He said you must pay $20US so I said I do not have $20US only $20NZ so he said that will do. So I paid up. When I told my Balinese friend what had happened (the extra Litre was for him by the way) he was horrified and said did you get his name or number, this is corruption he said. So I told him that I paid up because I had 5 (yes 5) casks of NZ wine in my cases!!!
I would not do it now as they scan the cases and would be able to tell what they are.
So Now I just buy my spirits in Bali, they taste real good too!!