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Posted by Rex on Thursday, 13. July 2006 at 12:30 Bali Time:

In Reply to: haha i asked my balinese friend posted by inmyblood on Wednesday, 12. July 2006 at 19:08 Bali Time:

Although much more prevalent in women, men can get it too. One of the most common causes in susceptible people is staying in wet bathers. A leaflet I picked up in a local chemist a while ago advised people to dry themselves promptly and thoroughly after swimming etc, which of course can't be done without removing your bathers. Hardly anyone does this and then they may wonder why they are plagued with thrush.

Vaginal thrush can also be associated with cystitis, one of the most painful conditions a woman can have.

If a person gets systemic candida, ie when the overgrowth of the candida organism goes right through the body, it can lead to all sorts of apparently unrelated medical problems, some of which are potentially severe. The underlying cause is often missed by doctors.

It's also a good idea to avoid toiletries containing propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulphate or sodium laureth sulphate.

For a wealth of information, read The Yeast Syndrome by John Parks Trowbridge and Morton Walker, ISBN 0-553-27751-0.

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