Dentistry and tobacco

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Posted by jill on Tuesday, 11. July 2006 at 17:25 Bali Time:

In Reply to: dentists posted by petrov on Tuesday, 11. July 2006 at 15:43 Bali Time:

Hi Petrov
I went to a dentist in May 2006 the details are
Dr Indra Guizot
Ivodent Dental Lab
JI. Patimura No. 19 Denpasear - Bali
Tel (0361)222445
However it is very important to get e very detailed receipt with a description of exectly what was done to each tooth and the cost to be written in Aust$ for you to get money back on your private health fund. I spent $240 and got a receipt stating that I had tooth grind and polish and got $18 back from my Medibank Private Fund.
I had about 20 botched up crowns (which I had done in the Phillipines) grinded so that my Bite was fixed up, but the receipt did not be specific enough for the Aust fund to give the treatment a item number, so got next to nothing back.
Tobacco was hard to find but after serching heaps of places it was stocked at the deli so close to our hotel (the Barong ) in Poppies 2. As you walk to Legian St on the R hand side is a deli just past the Barong that stocks Drum tobacco (5 for 55000rp)
I would like you to let me know how your dentistry goes as I was MOST impressed. I had been to a lot of dentists in Aust to have the problem fixed, with no joy and they had the problem fixed in 40 mins(and I did not have a appointment)
Good luck

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