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Posted by PhilandRhonda on Tuesday, 11. July 2006 at 14:14 Bali Time:

In Reply to: Melody & Wayan-need urgent advice!!!!!!! posted by cuddlepie60 on Tuesday, 11. July 2006 at 12:33 Bali Time:

posting to say the least Cuddlepie60. You ask if anyone has 'heard anything', telling readers that you have been recently referred by someone while you are still in Oz and giving an impression that the people you ask about are virtually unknown to you. Later you post a reply and admit some previous knowledge of some form of information or dealings with these people. Make your own assessments, and leave personal feelings aside. I know both Melody & Wayan, and have had considerable dealings with both of them. I make no other comment by way of recommendation OR criticism. One thing I can definitely assure all posters about is simply this:... if there are any libelous statements made you will get a letter from a Barrister!
If you have an "axe to grind" I would think a direct approach to the people concerned is warranted, rather than possibly fuelling a public slanging match based on possible third party heresay on a forum provided free for serious Bali travellers to enjoy. If detailed information is required about a person living on Bali, there are local avenues you can use, on here, you will only ever get "opinions" quite often from those who claim to have 'heard first hand'. It is not information I would be willing to do business on! I recommend you make your own enquiries.

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