just returned yesterday and yes they

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Posted by inmyblood on Friday, 7. July 2006 at 19:48 Bali Time:

In Reply to: info bags searched leaving bali??? posted by judd on Friday, 7. July 2006 at 14:56 Bali Time:

are checking all bags but the wrapped ones are only slightly cut, they dont take the whole wrapping off!!!!

You also have to put your carry on luggage through a screening process and then finally when you get to board, they also search your luggage AND give you a pat down, unfortunately I had a girl do me, bugger!!!! hahaha. I think the security whilst painful is great, keep it up I say.

It just means you really do have to be there the three hours before!! As it was we were so busy relaxing in the Prada Lounge and they didnt announce our flight boarding, that we were actually the LAST ones to board, they were holding the plane for us, so the security checks were really painful. Dont worry too much about it all.

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